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I hope you’re OK when you read this paper, because it is pretty scary. It was Friday afternoon, the first day of October. I had just come home from school, ready for the weekend. I opened my backpack and Ahhhh! It was a monster! It was smelly, colorful and hyper. Do you want to see her, or is it a him? Well, you can come by on Friday nights!

My monster’s smell is foul like a beast. She is stinky like a dead fish. She is really gross. She is also yucky and very nasty. Shew wee!

My monster is colorful. She has some indigo to her. She also is very bright. She is red like fire! She is violet. She is also practically a rainbow.

My monster is also hyper. She is very weird. She can be jumpy sometimes. When she is lazy she is floppy. She has a sugar rush when she eats candy. She is also a crybaby. I love my monster!

Well, that’s my monster. I hope you’re not scared! If you see her around your place don’t run and scream. She doesn’t like that. She might be stinky, colorful and hyper, but I love her! I hope you liked my story!

Written and drawn by Bailey B., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.

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